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The Adventures of The Green Hat

Good gravy, how is it that so much time passes in the blink of an eye, and yet I can’t seem to find the time to clean my kitchen counter? Or unpack another box from the move? Or, you know, write a blog post?

Because I’m out there enjoying all life has to offer, of course! And sometimes (usually) that means putting off the things that don’t matter as much (yes, that pile of crap on the kitchen counter can indeed wait another day to be handled) in favor of being very present and pleasant with my family.

My ever changing, growing up too fast, can’t get enough time with them family!

So, here’s a quick recap of all that’s happened since my last post, in no particular order:

  1. I started teaching posture and core training at a yoga studio downtown!


Some bendy fun in the yoga studio

  1. We decided to sell our 113 year old house!

  2. I became the co-leader of said yoga studio downtown!


Some bendy fun in the yoga studio

  1. We sold our house and bought a new one!

  2. We moved!

  3. I went for a run again (finally) with The Green Hat (and a stroller)!

  4. AND WE FOUND OUT WE’RE PREGNANT! Due September 2017

Running Buddy

Me & Lil Man, my hot date for post-run pizza

In life, things happen fast. But it’s the moments you take to pause, and appreciate, that can make all the difference. We’re facing our new challenges and chapters with open arms and open minds and open hearts. And sometimes it’s stressful and messy and you feel like you’re dropping the ball or not being a “good-enough” parent. But those moments that can feel the most overwhelming and the most like you need to hustle are often the most deserving of a pause. Of a step back. Of a deep breath. And when you put a smile on your face, it can make facing those days (and finding moments to enjoy in those days) all the easier.

That, and giving yourself some grace. Grace to leave the mess on the counter. Grace to eat a brownie for lunch. Grace to take a nap when the babies are sleeping instead of doing laundry. Grace to say it’s OKAY that you’re just done with today and need a “reset” button. Because it’s all gonna be fine, I promise. Like the song I made for when Lil Man is having a hard time:

“1, 2, 3, and 4 5, 6, 7 more 8, 9, 10 and then you start it all over again. When you’re feeling blue, don’t know what to do, just count your blessings and you start to feel better again!”

Keep your hearts light, your arms ready to hug, and your gaze set on all that goodness life has to offer. One day at a time, it’ll be just fine.

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